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Bureaucracy - Latin Style

Throughout many areas in Latin America economic development is the Achilles heal that relegates the countries to third world status. Surprisingly we've encountered relatively few organizations that are taking serious steps to alleviate this problem. Much of this relates to the formidable challenges presented by the foreign governments. The mind boggling bureaucracy plaguing such nations is described succinctly by a recent story from fellow travelers.

Arriving at the Ecuadorian border a wandering motorcyclist found himself scratching at the brick wall of papers, signatures, stamps and fees found at the fronterra. A stalemate ensued regarding the bike and the governments need for assurance the vehicle would not be sold in Ecuador. Of course, the customs agents came to the logical solution, why not send an officer with the rider to ensure the transitory nature of the trip.

This nearly incomprehensible decision was followed by the requirement that the motorcyclist pay for all the travel, food and hotel fees of the officer. And of course every breakfast, lunch and dinner of your pleasant equatorial vacation is shared with a charming Ecuadorian. Stories of this nature are all too common.

In light of such difficulties it was refreshing to hear the plans of the Presbyterian organization in Trujillo. Within the year they hope to open a woodworking facility to export hardwood furniture to the States. The program will bring both job training and a steady income to the impoverished community. Extra income generated from the venture will also free the mission to tackle new projects. Speaking with the missionaries organizing the endeavor also mentioned the great need for business minded individuals among the foreign regions.


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